1973 rules overview


1973 rules overview


First page only of rules (second page exists in a different format in  https://archive.ousekjarr.org/archive/items/show/60531 )



The membership structure falls into the following catagories...
Bondsman, Freemen,Jarls (Earls) and the Chief.

London(The Head Branch) holds a Thing (Meeting) each Thursday with the Chief and his Earls forming the council at its head.  The London Branch controls all other branches and individuals.

A new member who's request has been accepted sends in an annual subscription of £1.5Op, Upon his first payment he will recieve a booklet on how to make his Viking equipment and a
membership card. The card will bear his name and should always be carried at functions.

He joins as a bondsman and from that time onwards shall make it his endeavor to form a suitable armoury and outfit for his activities as a Viking fighter.

His position in the field will be that of a rank and file Norse warrior who will be called upon to take up arms at Pageants on the behalf of the Society with no special abilities.

He will be notified of these events by newsletter recieved by all members, to which will be attached a return slip- should the Bondsman feel that it is possible for him to travel to the
event and acquit himself in some simple part of the show, He must then return the slip stating he will be there for certain.

Should he fail to attend after returning the slip and have no suitable excuse for such absence he will be dismissed from the Society straight away. If he attends and does well or at least that which his officers direct him to do, his progress will be noted and he will soon become a Freeman and thus entitled to take on a task at a given show or Pageant and earn a day's pay
(Approx £7) for his activities which will no doubt help toward his day's expenses. But above all it must be remembered that those who take part should really be doing so because they
enjoy it and apart from the available tasks for Freemen upwards they will take part at their own expense. Members who join the Head group in London will pay an additional 15p weekly and thus enjoy the centralized facilities of that Branch such as transport to the events, Should provincial membership flourish in any one area, they likewise will form their own branch (Sveiter) and so follow the same pattern at 15p per week for the forming of their
own funds for transport etc. It is up to individual members and provincial branches to maintain contact with London regarding difficulties etc and events involving the name of the Society and occasionally an officer from London will visit in return.

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