1973 society rules


1973 society rules


Society rules matching a single page version believed to be from 1973, with both versions on earlier headed paper showing the title as "Norse Film and Pageant Society" with "and Militaria Collectors Club" added, plus the three lions/leopards of England. The address is redacted and the phone number changed on both sheets, but can be read on the second sheet as 10 Ash Road, London, E15 and 01 534 4776 (changed to 01 609 2000 which was the number for Gerry East). This indicates the document to be soon after Gerry took over in 1973.


The norse film and pageant society
and Militaria Collectors Club

Rules of the Norse Film and Pageant Society
(Hereinafter called the Society)

The Society shall elect a leader once each year, who shall control the activities of the Society within that period.

The leader will at all times be guided and supported in his decisions by a council of no less than three other members holding an equal standing to each other within the Society but lower than the leader who shall also be part of the council.

The leader shall be responsible for bringing a list of current affairs before an assembly of council members and any other who care to attend Society meetings.

The meetings shall be held regularly every Thursday evening from Eight P.M. At a place known or duly reappointed by the leader unless any such meeting shall hinder or clash with a previously and officially arranged activity concerning a majority of the members.

Each weekly meeting shall instrument the announcing of new members, the collecting of weekly and annual membership dues, the issuing of membership cards, booklets, rules and show engagement dates, and any other matter the members care to bring to the notice of the assembly.

All members of the Society shall pay an annual subscription of £1.50 whilst all members of the London branch shall pay a further 15p per week towards the added amenities provided by that branch.

All members will deem it their duty to further the Society's interests, financially, materially and spiritually by any activity approved by the council.

The Treasury of the Society shall not be held resposible for any financial or material losses brought upon a member by himself due to acting without approval from the assembled council.

Rules continued;

An insurance scheme approved by the Council of the Society shall be employed to cover the Society's liability against any Public claims brought about by accidental misfortune incurred by observers, bystanders, etc...at any Pageant conducted or participated in by members of the Society. The scheme shall be paid for out of Society funds at no extra cost to the members.

All outgoing sums from the Treasury of the Society must be met with a suitable bill or reciept to be retained for accountancy.

All income beyond a petty float as deemed proper by the Treasurer shall be banked in the Society's account. (Barclay's Bank).

The Society Treasurer shall hold a cheque book for payment of the Society's debts and all cheques shall be dually signed by the two Officers whose names have been supplied on the appropriate form held by Barclay's Bank.

Members of the Society who attend a Pageant or other show event and take upon themselves, a task for the day of that event toward the smooth running of the occasion, shall receive the sum of £7 upon it's successful completion.

All members shall conduct themselves in a proper manner before the public and at no time endanger the Society's image, particularly, by actions likely to be considered dangerous to the public or other unsuspecting members of the Society.

It is the duty of the leaders of the Society to control by reminding or reprimanding members of the Society against such actions.

It is the duty of the leaders of the Society as ‘Marshals’ in the field of action to observe qualities in the members of the Society and recommend them for upgrading in membership.

Any member who shall fail to keep his word without very good reason after completing and returning a Pageant attendance slip from an official Society circular, stating positive attendance, risks a serious possibility of instant dismissal from the Society.

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