1975-09 Newsletter


1975-09 Newsletter



Vikings, the last show of the season is almost at hand. The place is Littlewick Green, Maidenhead, Berks. The time is 12 O'clock, and the date is the 15th Sept. and it is going to be a good one. The club van will leave Highbury Corner at 9-30am Saturday.

The Tonbridge and Canterbury svieters will be there, Bob Bryan is bringing at least 10 men from the Medieval Combat Society, and Ray Twitcham who has recently joined our ranks, will be bringing along several of his men from his own Hellingdon Medieval Society.

The show will be a three way battle with a Saxon village, Norman Knights coming in demanding taxes, a small Viking war party descending on the scene and a battle ensueing. A hanging sequence followed by the Vikings coming on in full force. They battle with the Knights who are defeated. The body of the Viking war captain is cut down and borne aloft on shields.

Everyones attendance is most vital, so lets make the show the best one of the season. Although I could not get down to the camp at Alfriston, I understand from Raven that it was most successful and he is already planing one for next year.

It has been mentioned that the Society could do with more weapon practise, so it has been decided that part of our Thursday evening meetings could be put aside for coaching in the art of sword, axe, and shield. The success of a good show is dependant upon its presentation, and that includes costume, so fellows and girls have a look at your attire and see if you can think of a way of improving it. The better the show the more we will be in demand next year. 

The Tonbridge boys have been most successful in working out fight routines between partners. I can't stress the importance of this enough. If you can select a friend within the group and think up a battle sequence these can be incorporated into a pageant, this improves the show and gives you a better part to play.

Attached is a form of enrolment will you please fill it in and return it to our Chief as soon as possible. Sveiter leaders will please make sure that all their sveiter members fill in and return these forms to our Chief Bear Odinson, please detach and keep the Society rules. Also, anybody who has not yet received our booklet on how to make your Viking gear, can now obtain one on request from the bear.

We are sorry that the proposed show at Thorpe Water Park could not take place on the 6th & 8th Sept. this was because tha actual area used by the general public to watch the water sking events fully encompassed the area alloted to the World Water Skiing Championships and the only land available near the lake for a Viking was too far away from the general public to make the show a viable proposition. But they have said that any Viking or Shieldmaiden who would like to go in gear and talk to the general public about our Society and ride on the Longship are quite welcome to do so. Any member interested in doing this please contact the Raven (tel. 01-422-4581) as soon as possible.

I look forward to seeing you all at Maidenhead.

Michael The Falcon
Jarl and Council Member to Bear Odinson.

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