1982 York Archaeological Trust letter


1982 York Archaeological Trust letter




Dear Friend and Supporter, 

This year the York Archaeological Trust is ten years old. To mark the event, and
to enable you to continue your support for our work in the most painless possible
way, we have produced for you what I think is our most attractive catalogue yet -
and I am enclosing your own copy herewith. In it we have brought together some
of the finest archaeologically-associated objects which we have come across. They
range from the extremely beautiful - the Pitney brooch is my own favourite - to
the extremely peculiar. Who, for instance, could resist the temptation to keep
money in an old Viking boot?

Maybe you are not a Viking boot boy, but I am sure there is something (I hope many
things) in the catalogue for you. This year, to coincide with the York showing of
The Vikings in England exhibition (at the Yorkshire Museum from April to September)
we have emphasised the Viking  theme.  Buy your essential reading on this occasion
from us before you go to the exhibition (our Spring Book List is enclosed with the
catalogue). If you cannot come to York to see the show, savour something of it by
asking us to send you the Exhibition Catalogue; or, indeed, any of the souvenirs
of this magnificent exhibition. By doing so, You will be supporting directly the
further work of the Trust. For that we all thank you warmly in advance.

You may ask, now the Coppergate Viking Dig is over, why the York Archaeological
Trust still needs support. For one thing, the work of rescue archaeology in York
must continue, with other sites of other periods continually at risk from modern
development in the city. For another, we still have five years of extensive
research, book-writing and conservation of finds to carry out before we can say
that the Coppergate results are safe to hand on to posterity. Yet another reason
is that we are all working hard with a team of architects, engineers, builders,
conservators and display specialists to create the Jorvik Viking Centre underneath
the new Coppergate shopping complex. In this very different kind of archaeological
display the results of the dig will be imaginatively presented for visitors to York
as an education and delight for generations to come. We in the Trust are all
convinced that we have a duty, not only to rescue the nation's archaeological
heritage but also to present it in an attractive and useful way. Do help us in
our crusade. Do please use the catalogue - and than recommand it to a friend.

Yours sincerely,
Peter Addyman,