1984 Hastings event overview


1984 Hastings event overview


Dear -

You are invited to attend and participate in the Battle oflHastings for 1984, to be re-enacted on October 14th, the anniversary of the original battle, and we have now obtained permission to stage the battle on the original battle site of Senlac Hill beside Battle Abbey in East Sussex.

Studio Five Armoury is not an enactment group, but a small business, based in Hove, to manufacture reproduction arms and armour, for battle enactment and stage and film use. Our association with Battle has grown from our sponsored "King Harold's March", in January this year, when we marched 250 miles from York to Battle, taking the route Harold marched before he fought the Battle of Hastings against William of Normandy. Several local medieval societies greeted us when we finished our march, and the people of Battle decided that the Battle of Hastings should be re-enacted and commemorated this year.

We hope that many battle enactment societies will be interested in becoming part of the re-enactment of the battle which has the best known date in English history. We intend to use warriors who have battle enactment experience as we feel that this will add more to the feel of the battle, and will also focus more attention on battle enactment itself.

There are now many different medieval societies in the country, but, if you are interested and wish to become part of the Battle of Hastings, just attend and enjoy yourselves. There has often been political disagreements between societies and individual members in the past. We cannot allow this to continue. If societies, or individual members wish to attend, they will be most welcome, as long as they come to take part in the battle, enjoy themselves, and obey orders on the field, for on this occasion there should be no politics.

If you wish to attend, please contact me so that we may allocate sides etc. I look forward to seeing you,

Angela Burton.


COSTUME:  Ideas for costume are shown illustrated. Simple tunic with sleeves, reaches down to just above knees. With front opening or side opening. Decorate with braid if desired. 

Leather armour (studded, plain or padded) is suitable, and mail armour can be worn.

Ordinary trousers can be worn, (cords are fine, but NO jeans.)

Soft boots or shoes can be worn, and tie up legs to knee with tape as shown (Hessian tape 1" wide is often sold at Army Surplus stores.) If you do not have suitable footwear, then wear a sturdy pair of modern boots, but cover them with hessian and tape up as shown.

ARMS:- Sword, short, single handed.  Axe or spear.  Shields will be either round or the varang type shown
Slings are suitable, we still have room for some slingers.
Helms - the Norman type is well known, and other Saxon types are suitable.

Warriors will be welcome to arrive Friday night or Saturday morning. Campsite is at the end of the lane beside Battle Abbey, which is in the centre of town, and will be signposted. Public loos are also beside the Abbey, and we hope to have hot dog stalls etc. on site.

There will be a muster at noon, Saturday, when warriors will be divided into groups for rehearsals and processions for the afternoon. Groups will then take turns to rehearse on the battlefield, and take part in processions into the town, and other small diversions, where Harold will "recruit" his peasant army on the streets of Battle.

As regards the main battle, you will notice on the running order that we have included spearmen on the Saxon side, and archers and cavalry on the Norman side, which is accurate with historical details.

The Saxons will be sited at the top of the hill, with the Normans advancing from the bottom of the hill. Harold will stand flanked by his two brothers and their huscarls on either side, with spearmen on right and other Saxons on left. William on horseback and other cavalry will make initial appearance in front of their army, then retreat to back of army unless as directed in script.

All horses on the field will be directed by Spike Roberts, horsemaster, who will also lead and direct cavalry charges and horse stuntwork.

Norman archers will be directed by Bob Bryan, as the archers will fire two volleys of flues which will be directed to the side of the Saxon armies.

There will be a general briefing and photocall on Sunday morning, then the show opens at noon, with bands, medieval joust & trials by combat. There is also a food and drink festival, and many stalls and sideshows will be set up around the battlesite.

There will be archery competitions with prizes for those interested and we have invited some of the countrys leading archers to give displays of their art.

As there will be large numbers of warriors on the field for the battle, we have decided to use colours to denote sides. The colours are:- Blue for Norman, Red for Saxon. We would ask that all warriors wear preferably a tunic in the colour for their side, with same colour shield, and a coloured strip on the arm over any armour. I realise that in some areas the colour red has been used for "beginner" shields, and apologise for any confusion caused. However, we ask that on this occasion beginners wear a green flash as well as their sides colour.


Saxons group on top of hill. Harold is seen with his two brothers, and bishop .
Saxons are rowdy, singing and noisy. Harold is seen talking to bishop who turns and leaves him.
Harold takes off cross round neck, letting it fall on ground. He is downcast, troubled but soon turns and rejoins his noisy troops.
Normans are seen slowly moving up to bottom of hill, led by William and cavalry.
Normans are orderly, grim and stately in contrast with noisy Saxons.
Normans stop at bottom of hill, and the two lines stand facing each other.
Tenseness broken by Norman minstrel in front line who breaks away and charges at Saxon line quoting poetry. Minstrel cut down by Saxon huscarls.
Minstrels body dragged into Saxon lines.
Arrow volley from Normans. Saxons raise shield wall.
Saxon spearmen attack from right flank, retreat and line up behind soldiers with shields. 
Left flank infantry attack from Normans. Retreat.
Right flank attack from Norman infantry.
Spearmen move out from behind soldiers, and again attack Normans then retreat back behind soldiers.
Saxon huscarls engage Norman infantry.
Norman infantry falls back to allow cavalry to charge, ON LEFT FLANK, STUNT HORSEMEN ONLY
As cavalry retreats Saxons on right flank give chase, breaking Saxon line and causing much confusion at bottom of hill.
William unhorsed, thought dead.
Norman line regroups. William rides in front of his army and reveals himself still alive by removing his helmet.
Major Norman infantry attack. Many Saxons killed.
Saxon huscarl line still holds firm by standard at top of hill.
Normans regroup.
Normans attack on right flank, and again Saxons break line to chase them back down the hill. William brings in reserve troops and kills Saxons at bottom of hill. Final Norman arrow volley. Saxons raise shield wall, then return fire as best they can, using any missile to hand.
Final Norman assault, all three flanks together.
Much heavy fighting, during which Harold is seen to stagger with arrow in eye.
Four Norman knights cut down Harold before Saxon huscarls can reach standard and save him.
Saxon huscarls battle on, but Harold and his brothers are dead, so huscarls break rank and flee.
Norman cavalry chases huscarls STUNT HORSEMEN ONLY lance down fleeing Saxons.
Victorious Normans parade parts of Harold's dismembered body around field.
Saxon women attend wounded and dying in field.
Harold's mistress, Edith SwanNeck asks William for Harolds body for honourable burial
William hands over body, and pays tribute to his dead enemy.

All Warriors return to field for arena parade.

1.00 — 2.00pm Band
2.00 — 2.15pm Joust
3.00 — 3.30pm Archery
3.45 — 4.30pm Battle

Battle itself, is, as many of you know, a small town, and as there will be many warriors attending, and vast crowds, we need as much information as possible to try and run things smoothly.  We will be trying to allocate parking spaces etc. for warriors, but we need to know in advance what is required, so let m know as soon as possible, numbers attending, transport, skills etc. (i.e. archery), so that we can allocate roles. 

Please fill in this slip and return to us

Nos. of Warriors attending .........
Nos. of Noncombatants attending ... .... ..
Nos of vehicles .........
Saxon/Norman (delete whichever inappropriate)
Nos. of warriors with shields ............ 
Nos. of archers ......... (Archers are expected to have their own bows)

Depending on the numbers of the general public who attend, we hope to give a small pay-out, and/or hospitality. Would you please nominate one trustworthy member of your group to claim pay-outs for warriors.  Sorry, there will be no pay-out for non—combatants)

Name (please print clearly) ................................

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