1975-07 NFPS Newsletter


1975-07 NFPS Newsletter



Coming events for the month of July are as follows:
5th July: Walworth School, §%orncliffe Road, Off Old Kent Road London
5th July: Woodhouse School, Woodhouse Road, Finchley, London N12
12th July: Feast: St. Pauls Youth Club, Chelmer Road, Off Glyn Road,London E9
15th July: Hackney Fun Festival
26th July: Melbourne Field, Valentines Park, (South Gate), Ilford.
22th July: Drusillas Zoo Park, Alfriston, Near Pollgate, Sussex.

As you will notice we have two pageants on the 5th July, so we will have to split our army. Approximately ten warriors will go to the Walworth School event, under the leadership of Raven (Colin Hollidge). These warriors will come from the London Group. We will have an Archery stall at Walworth which will be run by Jim Spooner. The rest of the warriors and Ladies will go to Woodhouse School. All members, London and Provincial, going to both these pageants will meet at Highbury Corner at 12 o'clock sharp.

12th Jul : Feast: The feast will be held at St. Pauls Youth Club (address above). The meeting time is 8.50 for 9pm . The price per head is £5.00, this is due to the rising cost of food and having to hire caterers to do the catering for us. Approximately half the money will go towards buying mead, wine, and beer, and we will have the usual fare. All money for tickets must be paid in by the 30th June at the latest. Sleeping accommodation has been arranged for those members who want to stay the night.

13th July: we are putting on a pageant for the Hackney Fun Festival. All members will meet at St. Pauls Youth Club, where the feast is being held, at 11 o'clock sharp. Those members who are going to the feast and staying the
night will of course be there already.

25th July: Ilford: For those members who want transport there will be a pick up at Highbury Corner at 11 o'clock sharp. Members who are making their own way there will meet at 12 o'cIock at Melbourne Field (address as above)

22th July: Alfriston: at approximately 6 o'clock on the 26th July those members who are at Ilford will pack up gear, climb into vans and cars and head for Alfriston. There will be sleeping facilities at Alfriston and members should bring their sleeping bags and any camping gear they have. Breakfast will be laid on for us. For those who will not be at Ilford but are coming to Alfriston the meeting place will be at Drusillas Zoo Park (address as above). Meeting time 12 o'clock sharp.

The meeting times for the above events are very important, please make sure you are there on time. There will be a pro-rata payment for Bondsmen and Freemen who attend the above pageants.

Last but not least, there are still some provincial members who have not yet paid their subscription fees for 1975, so fellas and ladies lets have your danegeld.

In the history of the club we have never had a month as busy as this, but we have some good scripts and with full turnouts for each pageant it should be a terrific month for all of us.

If you should need any further information please phone Gerry (O1-609-2000)

Council Member