1975-08 NFPS Newsletter


1975-08 NFPS Newsletter



Dear Member,

I begin this letter with a quick resume of the past month's events.

As you know, July has proved a busy time — our shows at Walworth and Finchley were well received, the latter resulting in a booking for next year. The Feast was attended by fifty members and guests despite the cost. However, remember that for the first time, all DRINK as well as food was provided under the initial cost - so much so that after our lot had been on the booze all night, there was still some left over for after the following day's pageant at Hackney Fun Festival. This show also went down very well and many praises were forthcoming.

Some dates for your diary are:-
7th September, I975 — Thorpe Water Park. (This is still under negotiation but should be a firm date.)
13th September, I975 - Maidenhead.

Full details will be given nearer the date — any queries to Raven (OI-422 14381)

The Summer Camp will be held in August. Again please ring me for full details as at the time of writing these have not been finalised.

On a different note - FULLEN (Rory Thomas) is organising a trip to Up-Hellia in January I976 but to help with costing and booking, early enquiries would be welcome. This 'do' will last about one week. The fares will be about £30+ (accommodation extra). For costs, again enquire through me.

The Council have noticed that some newer members are turning out for pageants in equipment which does not fulfil the requirements of the Society. So please take note and remember that 'authenticity' is our password. Plastic gear or other items which are seen to be obvious ‘lash-ups‘ must not be used. It is the Club's prime aim to be able to say "our gear is real".

If anyone has trouble in making or obtaining equipment, they should ask for our booklet dealing with this or ask for guidance from a Freeman or Jarl.

You will see attached a letter dealing with a trip to Denmark in October. Some members went on the same trip last year and I think all would say it was value for money.

I would like to ask you to attempt to draw one new member per head to the Club be they combatants or not. This is now the time of year when we gain most members. This month alone we can welcome six new members from around London plus fifteen overseas enquiries.

l am glad to announce that the following members are now Freemen of the Society and were made up at the Mid-summer Feast:-
Dave Peachey
Lindsey Rogers
Barry Witteridge
Tina Smith
Malcolm Phillips
Chris White
Pat O'Neill
Laurie Gibbs
Mark Clift
Black Harry

Also WULFSON (Trader Bill's son) has been granted a Charter which allows him to become a Freeman of the Society when he becomes of age in recognition of his loyalty and courage in bearing the Raven Standard for the past year, and he wears the Raven's ring as proof of such.

ln order to soften the blow to your purse for the Yuletide Banquet, it has been decided that tokens will be issued as part-payment for shows which result in a pay-out to members attending. These tokens, if not used as Feast payment, may be presented to the Treasurer for encashment. We hope that this will enable more members to attend the Banquet as we realise that cost does become a problem. We, the Council, have tried to keep the cost as low as possible but due to ever-increasing prices it is a hard battle.

lf any members have anything they wish to be incorporated in future Newsletters, such as articles for sale or trade, information about the best places to obtain materials, or any other items of general interest, they should forward details to me.

Please note that in future all applications for membership and enquiries relating thereto should be sent to me:-
Raven (Colin Hollidge),
36 Horsenden Lane North,
Greenford ,
Middlesex, UB6 0PA.
(Telephone: 01-422 4381)

Fair Hail,
Jarl and Council Member to BEAR ODINSON

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