2001 - Cockley Cley, Norfolk


2001 - Cockley Cley, Norfolk




The Viking Event At Cockley Cley Living History Venue ln Norfolk. 23rd and 24th June 2001.

TIME LINE 868 AD - The return of the Great Army from York and the martyrdom of St. Edmund.


See Attached Plan. A site layout plan will be posted on site.

Proposed Event Timetable For The Weekend.

10 am. Open To The Public.
11 am LHE set up and running.
12 noon Combat Display/Skirmish.
1 pm. Archery Competition and Display.
2 pm. Dramatic Presentation.
5 pm. Close To Public.

Site Information.

The site will be open from12 noon on Friday the 22nd until 12 noon on Monday 25th June. Camping Space available for three nights.


ALL arms - even Blunts -must be restricted to the Re-enactment area. No weapons must be carried openly off the site. Especially to the nearby Public House – The Twenty Churchwardens. This is due to a past history, where an undisciplined group had previously caused trouble


Blacke Lyon Associates,
Ebenezer House, South Road,
Shouldham Thorpe,
Kings Lynn,
Norfolk, PE33 ODR.
Tel. 01366 347300 Fax. 01366 347500 email. BlackeLyon@aol.com


Introducing The Cockley Cley Living History Venue

It is with great pleasure that we can announce that an Agreement has been reached with the Cockley Cley Estate in Norfolk for a new operation called Blacke Lyon Associates to manage and develop the whole site. The Blacke Lyon Associates are John Furr, Ray Jones and Tony Walkey. The aim of the Associates is to develop a dynamic and authentic Living History Centre for all those people with a love for the Past.

A Centre which will cover many of the historical periods - we have over 100 acres to perfom over - and to house very special fixed villages for quality Re-enactment.

John has over fifteen years of Re-enactment experience and its needs. Since 1986 he has developed Wayland Products, a very specialised Company making authentic designs of replica weapons, armour, and helmets.

Ray joined John in March 2000 to enlarge the equipment range, and to bring his woodworking talents to bears Together they have received the ultimate recognition of their combined skills by now becoming Official Suppliers to the Royal Armouries at the Tower Of London.

Tony has developed a range of Tents made from traditional materials. He also has many years of Project Management. The combination of the talents allow us to offer a service for all the interested Societies.
Areas of responsibility will be :
John - co-ordinating the needs of the Re-enactors,
Ray - will be in charge of the site management and its development. and will handle Events organisation and the day to day operations.

John says :

“l have had many years of Re-enactment experience and know what makes an event enjoyable for me. It is not just the Bar - we do have one within 50m of the site – it’s the renewal of old friendships and acquaintances. This coupled to toilets with toilet rolls, food prices on the site that will not rip your wallet in half. In the mornings a good cup of tea and a bargain breakfast. We aim to ensure all of these needs are met. We want everyone who visits the Centre to want to come back with enthusiasm. You may come as an individual, and hopefully over the coming years all of you as a Society.

Over the years I have been to many sites to Re-enact but I have only ever been to one site for Re-enactors”

We will not be asking Societies directly for financial sponsorship, although all donations will be acknowledged on an Honours Board. However, it would help our progress if any of you can help with funds to make the reconstruction and improvement a success. It is our intention to pursue commercial sponsors, and anyone you know who is in contact with companies or individuals who would like to help can contact us at the address given.

Within Re-enactment, there are many skills we would like to utilise co operatively, to achieve our aim of a unique site for Re-Enactors and the Re - enactment Trade

We will be running, as with other similar types of venture, a scheme for the “Friends Of Cockley Cley Living History”. A Family Membership will be priced at £25.00 per year for up to five participants. Individual members will be welcomed at £10 per year. Please contact us for further details. If you would like to join please ask for Membership Forms.

We ask Members visiting the site to carry with them their Society lD Cards. In the near future we will produce a site newsletter for the Friends of Cockley Cley Living History, it is intended to send these out on a quarterly basis. For other interested parties, on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope, an information pack, along with a Friends Membership Form will be sent.

Building on the Site will cover approximately 1,600 years of our Country’s History. Romano British, Saxon, Viking, Norman up to the Civil War Penods all will be catered for.

For Site Bookings/Friends Membership and Events Update Contact Tony At :-
Blacke Lyon Associates,
Ebenezer House, South Road, Shouldham Thorpe,
Tel. 01366 347300 Fax. 01366 347500 Email. BlackeLyon@aol.com
For Re-enactment Equipment Supplies and Site Projects Contact John or Ray At :
Wayland Products,
Unit 3, Bexwell Airfield,
Downham Market,
Norfolk, PE 38 9LT.
Tel. 01366 387501 Fax. 01366 387037,
Outside Working Hours Contact John On 01366 384203

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