Raven's Wing - Manaraefan - 1997-09


Raven's Wing - Manaraefan - 1997-09




Roger Barry




And so another season draws to a close, (well almost). We have one Show left which l have mentioned before, it is at the Tasis American School at Thorpe (as in Thorpe Park) in Surrey and is for two days 3rd 8= 4th October. On the Friday they require a school-visit type show with as many people as possible which is being organised by Kath Murphy.

Although some people have already volunteered, anyone else who feels they can make a contribution is welcome. You will be able to sleep in your tents on the Friday night, and if the weather is bad, ‘indoor camping is available. As the largest local group we are the main show organisers for the Saturday, and l am working on a script which will probably be based on the one we used at Stockley Park. This is a Medium show with petrol money available for large props and those who visit the school on the Friday.

Banquet - For those of you who don't know, this has now been moved to 25th October and is being held at Tewksbury High School, Tewksbury. The tickets are £15 for adults and £7.50 for children and more details are enclosed.

The Jarls Meeting - is being held on the same day. As usual I will let you have a summary but if you have anything you want me to raise please let me know in the next couple of weeks.

Training - The next two traing sessions at Farnham are for scheduled 28th ‘September and 19th October. As most of you know, Steve and I are less than pleased with the overall attendances at training over the last 6 months or so. Steve has said, and I agree, that those who do not train regularly will not be allowed to fight at shows next year. Anyone who falls into this category will be hearing from me in January and will therefore have 3 months notice to get trained up.

Pre-Midwinter Meal - We are planning another ‘Saturday Night Social’ at Blazing Saddles in Alton on 15th November. Those of you who attended the last one had a good time and l thoroughly reccomend it to the rest of you. Cost will be £5.00; per adult or teenager, plus your own drinks. We, the group, will pick up the bill for the rest. Please give your names to Steve as soon as possible.

Midwinter Get-together. Once again Steve has kindly offered the use of his house for a Yule party. The date has yet to be confirmed but will probably be either 13th or 20th December.

Yes I’ve had to use a second page AGAIN!

Promotions - Although we have quite a few people who have a larger number of points towards their Drengr award we haveno-one quite there yet. A little more work, especially in the costume department would go a long way. I am able to conduct ‘dummy’ authenticity checks for any costume you can assemble, so if you are interested talk to me either on the phone or at training.

Subscriptions - On the grounds that it never to remind people early l am reminding you all NOW ! Your subs for 1998 are due on 1st January and are £17.50 for adults and 50p for juniors. Unlike last year, we will not be paying for people out of group monies. If you are late you will have to pay the surcharge (£2.50 or 50p) yourself!!

Shows for Next Year – Although anything I say here is provisional on not clashing with an EH event, I do have potential dates for three shows next year already:

20th June, Stockley Park Country Fayre, a Medium show at the same venue as this year

18th July, Wind Saxon Carnival, Wing, Bucks. The VIKINGS have been invited to this Saturday only event, which is billed as the largest Saxon fayre in England. Some of the villagers will be dressing up for the ‘Fayre’ as well. Camping is available for both the Friday and Saturday night, and there will be food and booze after the show. If, like me, you are a ‘Combat Wombat’ you might like to stay for the Sunday training session with Regia. My own opinion is that given we will be at Kirby Hall with them only 2 weeks later (see below) this might be a good idea.

1st & 2nd August Kirby Hall ‘The Big Bash part 3’. I hope to have more details about EH shows after the Jarls’ Meeting.

That’s all for now, don’t forget to get your money off soon if you are going to the banquet, and if I don’t see you there perhaps well meet at training.


Written this 12th day of Shedding, in the year 997 in the village of Colanhamm by Hrothgar, scribe to Guthrothr, Jarl of the Manareafan