1982 expulsion letter


1982 expulsion letter


Handwritten note on what could be letterhead paper or the rear of a club magazine, showing details for Ron & Geraldine Lovell, and Alan Jeffery. On the reverse, a copy of a communication from Terry Warren on behalf of Gerry East announcing the termination of membership of Peter "Wings" Dawson.


Handwritten note: The item overleaf was handed out at a NFPS banquet. Beware it could be us!

Printed text, believed to be adverts -
Ron & Geraldine Lovell
Family Arms
4 St Patrick

Mr A Jeffery
Family trees traced
Medieval wood carving and restoration
33 The Paddocks, Burwell, Cambs

NFPS letter, handwritten:
To all members,
Be it known to all members that from this 1st day of January 1982 Peter "Wings" Dawson, last heard of in Lewes, due to various acts of an untrustworthy nature, one of which was the breaking of guest-law at a fellow Viking's abode, is declared DISMISSED from The Norse Film and Pageant Society. He is no longer to be welcomed at our portals. By Ragnar's Authority and by my hand this day.

Terry Warren
(Einar Thorson)
Jarl of the High Council

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