File #58849: "Battle of Vlaardingen 1018 practical_info_20180521.pdf"

Battle of Vlaardingen 1018 practical_info_20180521.pdf


Battle of Vlaardingen 1018 - 2018
Practical information for participants
Participants can arrive on Friday 8 June, between 09:00 and 23:00.
Participants can leave from Sunday 10 June, circa 17:30, until Monday morning.
If you have other plans, please contact the organisation BEFORE 1 June.
Time table
Monday – Thursday
Friday 8 June
Saturday 9 June

Sunday 9 June

Monday 10 June

09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 23:00
07:00 – 09:00
09:30 – 11:00
12:30 – 13:15
15:30 – 16:15
07:00 – 09:00
12:30 – 13:15
15:30 – 16:15
circa 17:30

Arrival of re-enactors, registration, setting up camp
Food distribution
Rehearsal scripted fight
First visitors arrive, authenticity ON
Scripted battle and free fight
Scripted battle and free fight
Event closed for public, authenticity OFF
Food distribution
First visitors arrive, authenticity ON
Scripted battle and free fight
Scripted battle and free fight
Event closed for public, authenticity OFF
Start breaking up camp
Cars can enter encampment
Last re-enactors leave.

Motorway A20 Rotterdam → Hoek van Holland.
Take junction (Ausfahrt) 8 Vlaardingen-West.
Coming from the West (Hoek van Holland): turn left, go under the viaduct, and then turn right.
Coming from the East (Rotterdam): turn right and immediately turn right again.
Follow the Watersportweg for 1300 meters, following the sign posts ‘RE-ENACTORS RECEPTION’.
Navigate to: Country – NL; Town – Vlaardingen; Street – Watersportweg 40.
Upon arrival, each individual participant must report and register at the Reception.
Your name must be on our list.
You will receive an information sheet, a map, a parking badge, instructions where to put up your
tent, and a wrist band (grey for fighters and weapon traders, brown for others).
In the encampment, we will assist you in finding your spot.
After setting up your tent, please park your car at the car park immediately, following the sign posts
From the car park, it’s a 10-minute walk back to the encampment.
At the main encampment: clean lavatories, showers, and fresh drinking water for the re-enactors
(there are separate public dixies, which you may use as well).
Straw and fire wood.
Loading point for mobile phones.

Food and drinks
You will not have to go shopping during the event.
On Saturday morning and Sunday morning we provide basic ingredients for breakfast, lunch and for
cooking your own authentic dinner. Food will be delivered from a refrigerated truck. You can pick up
your meat later in the day. There is also coffee, tea, and fruit juice (all free).
For the Friday evening, and for those who don’t want to cook, there are modern and ‘medieval’
catering facilities: beer tent, fries, hamburgers, snacks etc. (not free).
Nicotine will not be for sale at the event. If you need to smoke, buy your cigarettes beforehand.
You are allowed to bring your own (alcoholic) drinks.
There is an allowance of € 100,00 per person for expenses.
This allowance is for each adult participant (16 years or older): fighters, non-fighters, and traders,
who stay the whole weekend,. It is not for ‘special attractions’ with whom special arrangements have
been made.
The money will be paid during the weekend, in cash, to the group leaders.
During the public hours, the usual authenticity rules apply for all participants: on Saturday between
10:00 and 19:00 and on Sunday between 10:00 and 17:00.
Keep all modern stuff in your tent and out of view, and if you must smoke or make a phone call, do
so out of the public’s view. Please try not to wear glasses.
Bringing weapons to Vlaardingen
We have a permit for registered participants to bring their weapons to Vlaardingen, to wear them on
the terrain and to use them during the battles and training sessions.
The permit only applies to cold steal weapons (Category 4, according to Dutch law: blunt swords,
spears, seaxes, axes, and Dane axes, and rubber-headed arrows).
The Dutch police are rather strict with regard to weapons. To avoid any trouble, please observe these
• When you pack your car: make sure any weapons are out of view.
• Never leave any weapons in your parked car.
• Never leave any weapons lying around unattended.
• If you must go into town: don’t take any weapons with you.
• If you leave your tent: put all your weapons out of view, close your tent properly, and make
sure someone is keeping an eye.
If you have any questions or remarks, please send them by email to
For emergencies, the following mobile phone numbers are available:
• Kees Nieuwenhuijsen
+31 6 4621 2022
• Martin Kreekel (encampment & market)
+31 6 5139 7552
• Jaap Hogendoorn (fighters)
+31 6 4804 9506


Watersportweg 40

This will lead you to the Reception.

Version: 21 May 2018