File #53: "Long Service Members.pdf"

Long Service Members.pdf


The Ruby Horde – Forty Years or More
Today the society membership stands at over 1600 people,
representing a spread from newborns to those of over 80. Of
those who founded the society back in 1971, all have left the
society over the years as finances, interest, politics, age, health and
other factors have all taken their toll. Remarkably, one of the
founder members, Peter Seymour, rejoined the society in 2015
after a gap of 40 years. While the group he helped to create all
those years ago is markedly different from the one we see today, it is on those foundations
that we have gone on to build something which has stood the test of time.
Along the way, a large number of people have passed through the portals of the society. The
current membership database was established in 2000, before which there was a card index
featuring a card per member, and members who did not renew were removed from the index
and their card destroyed. Based on the membership records from 2000 onwards, more than
6000 people have joined the society, and so it is likely that we have had somewhere around
8000 individual members over the years, and of course many of those have fallen by the
wayside for whatever reason. To those who are no longer with us, we thank you for the time
you gave, and the effort you contributed. In keeping with the words of the Havamal:
Cattle die, kinsmen die; the self must also die. I know one thing which never dies; the
reputation of each of the dead
We remember also those whose long service is now rewarded by a place by the Konungr’s
side at the fire, in a seat of honour in recognition of services given. While there are none who
have served throughout the 50 years of our existence, these glorious few are recorded to
have been members for more than 40 years:

Allan ‘Blue’ Beneke – 1975
Terry Warren – 1975
Jim Gillbanks – 1976
Bob Clegg – 1978
Carrie Walker – 1978
Sandie Gillbanks – 1979
Ted Lunn – 1979
Kathy Barry – 1979
Joyce Mains - 1979
John Wentzel – 1980
Stuart Howe – 1981

As the Anglo-Saxons have taught us well...