File #41359: "Permission.pdf"



Paul Murphy

B Burchell Photo <>
17 May 2023 21:43
Paul Murphy
Re: Use of photos in re-enactment archives

Greetings Paul,
Thank you for you message. Sorry to take so long replying to you about your request.
I'm more than happy for you to use my content in your archive. It sounds like a great idea to have a database
showcasing what The Vikings have
done over the years.
As for their use, I would appreciate being asked for the use in publicity or for commercial use if needed.
Other than that, feel free to use them. Please contact me if you need anything or require a file transfer or anything.
Kind regards,
BBurchell Photography

On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 11:18 AM Paul Murphy <> wrote:
I'm the archivist for The Vikings, the UK's oldest and largest Dark Age re-enactment society. I've been directed to
your posts on Facebook which have some excellent photos and video of our event at Battle Abbey in October
2022, and I wondered whether you'd be OK with us including these in our archives. I can see them on Facebook,
but we'd rather ask than assume that it would be OK. We've been the primary society responsible for organising
the event with English Heritage since the 90s, and we co-ordinate all of the other societies who attend.
We are currently building an online archive of material which we've collected over the last 50 years which shows
our society, our guests, and others in action. Our intention is to provide this primarily as a resource for the
participants to find material which includes them, but our secondary purposes are to provide a record of reenactment through the years, and also to gather together recent coverage which might be suitable for publicity
material. We have no intention of offering images on a commercial basis, at any time - we're a hobby
organisation who understand the investment in time and equipment to produce an event, and we show that same
level of understanding in our dealings with others.
All images would be made available on our online system, with each recorded with a creator/contributor name
crediting you, and with a clear copyright statement alongside every image. If we wanted to use an image for
publicity, we would ask for permission from you on each occasion unless you were happy to provide that up front.
If you would be happy for your images to be included, please confirm by email and we can proceed to add them to
our catalogue. If you would rather we didn't use them, that's also fine.
Best Wishes,
-Paul Murphy, Archivist, The Vikings